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Diabetic / Retinal Care

Macular degeneration is damage or breakdown of the macula, the small part of the retina responsible for central vision. It affects both distance and close vision and can make some activities–like threading a needle or reading–very difficult or impossible.

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of severe visual loss in people over 65.

Retinal disorders are the most common causes of severe and permanent vision loss. Macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy account for the largest portion of visual impairment in the US.

What are the treatments for macular degeneration?

A recent reliable study has show that dietary supplements of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta carotene and Zinc may reduce that risk of severe vision loss in people who have both kinds of macular degeneration. Please consult with your medical doctor and/or ophthalmologist to determine a safe and appropriate way if you are considering treatment with vitamins.

What is photodynamic therapy?

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a recent development that has improved the treatment of macular degeneration. PDT involves the use of Visudyne TM, an IV medicine that accumulates in the abnormal leaking vessels associated with wet macular degeneration. A none-burning laser is then used to activate the medicine in the abnormal blood vessels to shut the leakage down. This treatment has been shown to reduce the progression of vision loss associated with wet macular degeneration.

Why is there no treatment to help my macular degeneration?

Fortunately, macular degeneration, even in its most severe forms, does not lead to total blindness. People who have untreatable macular degeneration should still use low vision aids such as strong magnifying glasses, hand held lenses, and computer-aided magnifiers to maximize the use of their residual vision. In many cases, low vision assistance and training can lead to a much more independent life style for people who suffer from severe macular degeneration.